
What is vNOTES?
You play an important role in your surgery and your recovery. Research shows that patients who know more about their surgery choices enjoy a better outcome and are happier with their results. vNOTES (vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery) is another choice to consider for your hysterectomy and other gynecologic procedures. vNOTES is a minimally invasive surgery that eliminates the need for your surgeon to make incisions in your abdomen to perform the surgery.

In the vNOTES procedure, your doctor uses specialized instruments inserted through the vagina instead of making incisions in your abdomen. This allows your doctor to gain access to the uterus and/or fallopian tubes and ovaries without any visible scarring.

vNOTES has been shown to provide the following benefits to patients compared to the laparoscopic approach.

Source: vNOTES for Patients

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