Postpartum Care

EstrogenicA is dedicated to postpartum care, an essential aspect of a healthy pregnancy journey. After pregnancy and childbirth, new mothers often face numerous physical, psychological, and emotional changes. It is vital to seek expert guidance from trusted EstrogenicA professionals specializing in postpartum care who help new mothers transition into motherhood. We offer services designed exclusively for the well-being of mothers and their newborns.

What is the Postpartum Period?

The postpartum period is immediately following childbirth, typically lasting about six weeks. During this period, a woman’s body undergoes significant physical and hormonal changes as it adjusts to no longer being pregnant. Some common physical changes experienced during the postpartum period include vaginal bleeding, known as lochia, breast engorgement as milk production begins, and uterine contractions as the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size.

In addition to these physical changes, new mothers may experience psychological and emotional adjustments. The sudden hormone change can lead to mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, or depression. These emotional changes can be challenging for new mothers already facing the demands of caring for their newborns. Therefore, seeking proper postpartum care is crucial in ensuring that both mother and baby receive the necessary support during this transitional time.

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Physical Changes During the Postpartum Period

During the postpartum period, women experience several physical changes as their bodies recover from pregnancy and childbirth.

Uterine Shrinkage

One of the most noticeable changes is a decrease in uterine size. After delivery, the uterus rapidly shrinks to its pre-pregnancy state through contractions known as afterbirth pains. These contractions can be uncomfortable but expected.

Hormonal Fluctuations

Additionally, hormonal fluctuations occur during this time. The levels of estrogen and progesterone drop significantly after giving birth, which can lead to symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. Some women may also experience hair loss due to hormonal changes.

Breast Enlargement

Another common physical change is that breasts become larger. This is caused by increased milk production, leading to swelling, tenderness, and discomfort in the breasts. Regular breastfeeding or pumping may mitigate these symptoms.

Urinary Leakage

Urinary leakage is a common issue experienced by many women after childbirth. The pelvic floor muscles become more elastic postpartum, which can cause involuntary urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, or exercising. While it can be distressing, pelvic floor exercises often help improve symptoms over time, restoring bladder control and confidence for new mothers. EstrogenicA also offers non-invasive solutions like the Immode FormaV, Emsella and Immode VTone to strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

Stretch Marks

Every new mother has stretch marks, and while different women will work with the baby weight in different ways and on different timelines, stretch marks typically remain even if you return to pre-pregnancy weight.

While losing pregnancy weight is possible for many women, tightening the skin isn’t something you can take care of in the gym. That’s where we come in with our body contouring and sculpting technologies like the BeautiFirm by Alma, designed to tighten skin and restore your confidence.

Excess Fat

Similarly, many women may struggle to address excess fat leftover from pregnancy with diet and exercise alone. Pregnancy is a huge change for our bodies, and we can’t always return to our pre-pregnancy body without assistance. Our compassionate providers can help you achieve your aesthetic goals for wellness in mind and body. EstrogenicA offers a variety of body contouring and sculpting options, from liposuction and fat transfer to non-invasive technologies so you can achieve a physique that empowers you as a new mother. We also offer a weight management program.

Emotional and Psychological Adjustment After Childbirth

As mothers navigate the postpartum period, often unexpected challenges arise. The hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and after childbirth can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

It is not uncommon for women to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or irritable in the weeks following delivery. They may also struggle with feelings of uncertainty about their new role as a mother. Emotional support from healthcare professionals specializing in postpartum care can be instrumental in helping women cope with these challenges.

New mothers often adapt to routines, relationships, and self-identity changes. This adjustment can impact her mental health if it isn’t treated. Seeking professional guidance from experts who understand the needs of postpartum women promotes emotional resilience and physical health after childbirth.

Common Postpartum Complications and How to Manage Them

Common complications include postpartum hemorrhage, perineal pain or trauma, and postpartum depression.

Postpartum hemorrhage is excessive bleeding after childbirth, and it can be life-threatening. It is essential to seek immediate medical attention to manage postpartum hemorrhage.  Doctors may manually remove the placenta or administer medications to stop the bleeding.

Perineal pain or trauma refers to discomfort in the area between the vagina and anus, often caused by tears during delivery. This pain will be managed through nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or local anesthetics. Regular use of ice packs and sitz baths can also help reduce swelling and promote healing.

Postpartum depression is a common mental health condition that affects many new mothers.EstrogenicA providers will connect new mothers with mental health resources that offer  therapy options and support groups.

Partner and Family Support in Postpartum Care

Transitioning into motherhood is challenging, and having a supportive network can make a huge difference. Partners often provide emotional support, assist with household chores, and help care for the newborn, allowing the mother to rest and recover.

Family members also play an essential role in supporting the new mother. Grandparents or other close relatives can provide practical assistance by cooking meals, running errands, or caring for older siblings. Their presence relieves some of the mother’s responsibilities and creates a sense of community and familial bonding essential for her well-being.

EstrogenicA healthcare professionals work closely with patients’ families to educate them about postpartum changes experienced by new mothers and discuss ways they can offer assistance. By involving partners and family members in the postpartum journey, we believe we foster and support physical healing, emotional well-being, and successful adaptation to motherhood and a new family structure.


Frequently Asked Questions About Postpartum Care

Ideally, postpartum care should begin within six weeks after giving birth. This allows healthcare professionals to assess your recovery progress and offer appropriate interventions. However, it is crucial to seek postpartum care at any time if you experience any concerning symptoms such as excessive bleeding, severe abdominal or perineal pain, a fever above 100.4°F (38°C), persistent baby blues, or signs of depression.

Our services include routine check-ups to monitor healing progress, screenings for common conditions like anemia or thyroid disorders, lactation consultations for successful breastfeeding, counseling sessions for emotional well-being assessment, and management of mood disorders such as postnatal depression.

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See a Specialist at EstrogenicA

If you are a new mother experiencing physical, psychological, or emotional changes after childbirth, seeking expert guidance and support is crucial. At EstrogenicA, we specialize in postpartum care and are dedicated to the well-being of mothers and their newborns during this transitional period. You do not need to navigate the postpartum journey alone – we invite you to schedule an appointment with EstrogenicA today to receive the expert care you deserve.
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As dedicated practitioners, we invite you to join us to elevate the delivery of care in the fields of obstetrics, gynecological, and medical aesthetics services.  EstrogenicA Health 360 will help support your own work in women’s health by offering you programs, processes, workflows, and efficiencies while integrating evidence-based medicine, intuition, and technology into a smooth-running, dependable, and, importantly, profitable practice.

If you’re a licensed medical professional interested in discussing how EstrogenicA might work for your practice, we would love to hear from you.

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