Should You Consider HRT After Menopause?

Many women experience symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and a decrease in libido as a part of going through menopause. Menopause is an essential part of life for every woman, but that doesn’t mean it’s always a walk in the park. Many women find that hormone replacement therapy(HRT) can help manage the symptoms of menopause and help them live healthy, happy lives.


What is Menopause, and How Can HRT Help Me?

Menopause has been called “the change of life”  for a reason. This is a time when your body seemingly has a will of its own as it goes through major hormonal changes. Up until this phase of your life, your ovaries have been producing estrogen and progesterone. During menopause, your ovaries no longer make enough estrogen or progesterone.

The good news is that there are increasing medical advances, called Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT for short, that can replace lost hormones. And EStrogenica is here to help you find your balance.

Understanding the Transition into Menopause

Many women experience menopause-associated symptoms during what’s called peri-menopause, which is the period preceding menopause, just as those symptoms might continue for them once they are fully post-menopausal.  Menopause is genuinely a transitional period, not simply an overnight change. This transition can bring ongoing struggles with the symptoms HRT seeks to treat.

The transition into menopause is marked by irregular periods and hormonal changes that may last for several years as your perimenopausal period. During the perimenopausal period, women may experience a variety of symptoms, including night sweats and hot flashes. These may continue throughout menopause.

Challenges and Symptoms You May Face

Experiences of menopausal symptoms vary widely. While some women may navigate through this phase easily, others may encounter significant challenges such as intense hot flashes, night sweats, mood fluctuations, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms present serious challenges to both physical and emotional well-being. Menopausal women may find it difficult, or even impossible,  to engage fully in their daily activities, whether due to fatigue or heightened frustration.


When Is The Optimal Time to Pursue HRT?

HRT is considered a viable treatment option when the symptoms of menopause are impacting a woman’s ability to carry out the activities of daily life or are affecting her mental health.

Most HRT therapies use a combination of estrogen and progestin. Estrogen is the key to alleviating familiar symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Progestin protects the uterine lining from overgrowth. This treatment aims to mimic the body’s natural hormone balance before menopause.


Advantages and Considerations of HRT After Menopause

Like most interventions, HRT comes with significant benefits and potential risks. The most significant benefit is improved quality of life. However, there are drawbacks that some people are more at risk for. It’s important to discuss the risk of certain cancers and blood clots with your doctor to determine if HRT is suitable for you.

HRT as a Long-Term Treatment

Although HRT can bring much-needed relief, it’s essential to establish how long you plan to use it as part of your treatment. While HRT itself isn’t inherently harmful, prolonged reliance on estrogen replacement has been linked to elevated risks of certain cancers, particularly breast and ovarian, as well as increased risk of blood clots and other heart problems.

Determining how long you use HRT is a personal decision that can be made with your provider, considering factors such as age, general health condition, genetics, and severity of your symptoms. Sustained use will require frequent check-ins with your Estrogenica healthcare provider.

Managing Emotional and Physical Symptoms

HRT is an effective treatment for severe menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, and mood swings. Through restoring hormonal balance, HRT offers relief from these disruptive effects, empowering women to navigate through menopause with increased comfort and ease.


Deciding If You’re a Candidate for HRT After Menopause

Not every woman will be a candidate for HRT. Personal medical history, lifestyle, and family history of disease play a significant role in determining candidacy for treatment. It’s important to thoroughly consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting treatment.


HRT Treatment Alternatives

If you’re unsure about HRT or would rather try another treatment strategy first, there are good alternatives to consider. Lifestyle modifications such as eating nutritious food, engaging in regular physical activity, and implementing stress management techniques can improve menopausal symptoms. Exploring natural remedies and non-hormonal medications with the guidance of a healthcare professional may provide relief without the potential risks linked to HRT.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still get pregnant if I’m on HRT?

Yes, you can. If there’s the slightest chance you may get pregnant – if you’re still perimenopausal, for example – then it’s vital that you utilize birth control if you aren’t planning for a pregnancy.

What should I expect from treatments?

HRT can be given in creams, pills, patches, or injections. Each person’s treatment will look different based on their individual needs.

Are there other types of HRT besides the estrogen/progestin combination?

Yes. Estrogen/progestin HRT and estrogen-only HRT are both used to treat symptoms of menopause. Estrogen-only HRT may be used if you no longer have a uterus. Testosterone HRT is also offered, but not as an intervention for menopausal symptoms.


Enjoy Lasting Relief with HRT After Menopause

Menopause, like any life change, disrupts your routines and upsets your sense of stability. But, as you see, there are many ways to take control of your own menopausal journey in partnership with your doctor.. Discover a plan that considers your holistic medical history, needs, and preferences at EstrogenicA Health 360. Learn more about our patient-first approach and how we can help you with HRT.


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